速報APP / 工具 / Lite Smarthome Controller

Lite Smarthome Controller





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本




Lite Smarthome Controller(圖1)-速報App

Please note: This app has been discontinued - download the "HomeWizard Lite" app instead!

Old description:

Control your home with the Lite app. Use switches, dimmers, curtains and more.

Download the app to try the demo!

With the Lite app you can control things in your home.

Manage the heating in different rooms with radiator valves, turn of lights while in your bed, dim lights to the perfect atmosphere or close curtains automatically when the sun goes down.

Lite gives you comfort at your fingertips.

Lite Smarthome Controller(圖2)-速報App

The app requires a ‘Smarthome Controller’ plug (*device) by Smartwares.

• Switch lights on and off even when you’re not at home

• Dim lights to the perfect atmosphere

• Close blinds or curtains an hour before sunset

• Heat up individual rooms to a comfortable temperature

• Open your garage door from your phone

• Create scheduled tasks based on time, sunrise or sunset.

Lite Smarthome Controller(圖3)-速報App

The Lite app brings easy comfort to your home.

Lite Smarthome Controller(圖4)-速報App